5th March 2017
Back to cold and wet weather at Morwell but the garden is bursting into life again. Both transplanted trees have healthy looking buds although the smaller one needs more staking to stop it rocking in the wind when it blows from the east.
Unfortunately we are still suffering visits from the badger. We bought a garden roller which does a good job of flattening the ground while it is soft, top was taken after the first try-out on 2nd March. Two nights later we had a visit and the carnage is obvious below. Why two or three spots are particularly targeted I don’t know, badger does try small digs in other places - under the bedroom window once - but seems to always return to the major attack zones. It was caught on the webcam at 5.20am poking around the big beech tree, the usual badger time. They are creatures of habit, but we’d like an end to this habit please.
Most of the felled cypress has been attended to with the chainsaw. Shame it isn’t particularly good fuel for the woodburner as there is plenty of it and it’s free! There is also some hazel ready for splitting too, a much better proposition for next winter’s heating.