26th September 2017
The weather seems to keep jumping from fine, sunny and warm to rain and fog. The cucumbers in the polytunnel are coming to an end, the beetroot has been rather disappointing but tomatoes and cavallo nero keep on coming. The cabbages are exceptional. All the deciduous trees are now dropping leaves, and the grass growth has slowed right down. Must be autumn.
The second cypress located in the middle of the garden where we intend to put the pond has finally been cut down to a stump, generating a lot of logs for cutting, splitting, storing and drying ready for the logburner in 2018-19. Above left is 23rd September, right is 25th September and below after the last cuts on the 26th. We managed to bring all the pieces down without hitting any other trees, plants, or even ourselves.
There have been some interesting cloud effects at sunset this month, left is the 23rd September as the sun goes down behind the trees surrounding the arsenic dump to the west. On the right an unusual circular hole in the cloud cover towards the south-west on the 26th. We did wonder over the evening G&T if our ferocious bonfire of the small branches from the pond tree had punched a hole in the ozone layer…