1st August 2017
Looking around the garden this morning it was obvious that we’ve had an intruder, and a large one at that. Holes and scrapes all over the place, some of the holes quite deep in the softer ground.
Of the twelve leylandii that were on the edge of the south side of the garden now only two remain to be removed. These are the exposed roots of number ten just prior to cutting through them all with the mattock. After clearing away the debris it was no surprise to find three more large roots under this tangle. Only once did I try and cut through the roots of one of these with the chainsaw. They are full of trapped stones which blunt the chainsaw instantly. We are now quite adept at building a bonfire which will burn a whole stump like this in one go. Unless it pours with rain overnight.
Caught by the webcam just after dawn, a large male deer with a fine pair of antlers. From the hoofprints in the bed at the very front, not to mention the obvious deposits of poo, he jumped straight over the Devon bank at the point where there is a small gap in the shrubs. The hydrangea we transplanted there will fill the space in a couple of years so until then some tall canes should deter further break-ins. We hope. Apart from cosmetic damage to the grass we seem to have escaped any serious damage to trees or shrubs, or even the beans and peas in the vegetable plot which are just to the right of where he is standing in the picture.