10th August 2017
Finally the south border of the garden is rid of the awful leylandii. The polytunnel is so much brighter and we have a glut of courgettes, cucumbers and now tomatoes too. No sign of blight on them or the potatoes.
The very last one. Of course it was also one of the most obstinate to get out with sneaky roots going straight down. This ending to a lot of hard work called for a small celebration!
The buckets are used to collect the stones, some of which were pretty big. It looked as if they had been deliberately heaped around what were small leylandii bushes at one time. All of these are being removed, the stump ‘craters’ levelled and any big roots remaining dug out, then we’ll level the long bed with the rotavator and add some of our own compost. A rabbit-proof fence is going to be erected along the edge of our property, finally we’ve ordered another 50 yew saplings to plant to make a hedge from the pyracantha bushes growing on the right up to the top.